What is international trade?

International trade is an exchange of capital, goods and services across international borders or territories.  

Where is Ziraat Finance Group represented?

Ziraat Finance Group is represented in 18 countries:  Turkey, Azerbaycan, Germany, Montenegro, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Georgia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Turkmenistan, Russia, United Kingdom, Greece, Bulgaria, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, Kosovo, Bahrain 

What is Foreign Trade Portal?

Foreign Trade Portal is an innovative digital platform, which main goal is connecting and supporting exporters and importers from Azerbaijan and Turkey. Importers and exporters from other counties, where Ziraat Finance Group is located, will be able to joint the Foreign Trade Portal at the earliest possible date. 

What are the main instruments used in order to facilitate international trade?

Letter of guarantee, letter of credit, cash advances, documentary collections and open account sales are instruments used by exporters and importers participating in international trade. 

What is letter of guarantee used for?

According to URDG, demand guarantee or guarantee means any signed undertaking, however named or described, providing for payment on presentation of a complying demand. 
Letter of guarantee is widely used in international trade to secure exporter from non-payment risks, while importer gains a chance to participate in international trade as a reliable partner. 

What is letter of credit?

Letter of credit is a payment tool secured for the both sides participating in international trade. 
Exporter receives increased assurance of receiving payment in time, while importer secured from non-delivery of goods.   The rules of a letter of credit are issued and defined by the International Chamber of Commerce through their Uniform Customs & Practice for Documentary Credits (UCP 600).